Painting the Spirit of Eternal Life

Reverent Visit, Sacred Square

As you enter this place of Holiness, cast aside your earthly cares. As you immerse your soul in His peace, your heart will be filled from living fountains of pure waters, and as mortality gently fades you will, for a moment, embrace the riches of eternity.

Melinda Lawrence & Kendall Davenport

The Holy Scriptures & the Temples

The Holy Bible and The Book of Mormon on purple fabric.

Hundreds of years ago King James compiled the writings of prophets and disciples of Jesus Christ, in the eastern hemisphere, into the Bible. It began with the earth’s creation and included the ministry of Jesus Christ.

Hundreds of years ago, an ancient prophet named Mormon compiled the writings of different prophets and disciples of Jesus Christ, in the western hemisphere, into the Book of Mormon. It began with the history of his people in the western hemisphere and included the ministry of Jesus Christ there.

Recorded in The Book of Mormon is the personal ministry of the resurrected Lord to the people of ancient America, where he established his gospel and church with twelve apostles like he had set up with his first twelve apostles in Judea.

2 Corinthians 13:1 ……. “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” The Bible and the Book of Mormon are both witnesses of Jesus Christ. They teach that He is the Son of God, the resurrected Lord, and they teach that he is the Savior of the world.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint Temples are holy places for God’s most sacred work. They are not the same as church buildings where Sunday worship services are held. In the temple we make promises with God to dedicate ourselves to Him and commit to follow Him.  In the temple families are united, or sealed, together for eternity and not just this life, with the promise that we can live with God for eternity. We also do the same work for our deceased ancestors who can accept those blessings if they choose in the next life.

Eternal Life ~ I paint the “spirit of eternal life” in my temple paintings. The temples are all about Heavenly Father and Christ and their life-giving purposes, of growing, changing, and becoming. Heavenly Father’s work is to bring about the eternal life of man. The Savior gave his life to give us life and eternal life with Him.

Spirit ~ When I paint the temple paintings the spirit of eternal life is on my mind and in my heart as I carefully paint that spirit into every element and piece of each painting. I want you to feel the welcoming warmth, hope, and love from the Lord offering you eternal life with Him and to give life to make more life.

Your Wall ~ One of my paintings on your wall can remind and draw you close each day to the spirit of life and eternal life. They can give you hope, renewal and peace as they take your mind and heart to life eternal. They remind you of the joy you experience in the temple.

Paintings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Temples

I don’t paint a building. I paint the feelings you cherish about the temple. 

Temple Gallery

Listed alphabetically by state

California Temples

Los Angeles “A More Excellent Hope” (panorama)

Los Angeles “A More Excellent Hope” (standard)

Newport Beach ~ “Warmth”

Newport Beach ~ “Joyful Returning”

Oakland ~ “Light of Life”

Redlands ~ “Reverent Joy”

Sacramento ~ “Purity” panorama

Sacramento ~ “Purity” standard

San Diego ~ “Ascending”

Colorado Temple

Denver ~ “Divine Love” landscape

Denver ~ “Divine Love” portrait

Hawaii Temple

Laie ~ “Sacred”

Idaho Temples

Boise ~ “Eternity”

Boise ~ “Thirst”

Idaho Falls ~ “Come Unto Me And I Will Give You Rest” panorama

Idaho Falls ~ “Come Unto Me And I Will Give You Rest” standard

Billings ~ “Glory” landscape

Idaho Falls ~ “Come Unto Me And I Will Give You Rest” standard

Idaho Falls ~ “Come Unto Me And I Will Give You Rest” panorama blue sunset

Rexburg ~ “A Parable”

Rexburg ~ “Beauty of Holiness”

Rexburg ~ “Looking Up”

Twin Falls ~ “Living Water” landscape

Twin Falls ~ “Living Water” portrait

Montana Temple

Billings ~ “Dedication” panorama

Billings ~ “Dedication” landscape

Billings ~ “Glory” panorama

Billings ~ “Radiant Holiness” panorama

Nevada Temple

Las Vegas ~ “Dawning of Brighter Hope”

Oregon Temples

Portland “Eternal Peace”

Portland “Portland Gem”

Medford “Eternal Light”

Utah Temples

Bountiful “Bountiful”

Brigham City “Blessed”

Jordan River “Embrace The Riches of Eternity”

Jordan River “Meditation” without fountain

Logan “Come Follow Me, And Will Give You Rest”

Logan “Come Follow Me, And I Will Give You Rest” marble border

Logan “Welcome To The Temple”

Manti “Arise” landscape

Manti “Arise” portrait

Manti “Unto The Lord”

Provo “Ensign”

St. George “Peaceful Interlude”

St. George “Rain and Light”

Salt Lake “Holiness”

Salt Lake “Living Fountains, Eternal Life”

Salt Lake “Reflected Light”

Salt Lake “Reverent Visit, Sacred Square”

Washington Temples

Columbia River “Devotion”

Seattle “Light of Christ”

Seattle “Purified Silver, Treasured Gold, Eternally His” landscape

Seattle “Purified Silver, Treasured Gold, Eternally His” portrait